The Forestry Horní Blatná – Inspection Rooms
The Price List of Accommodation
The location of the Forestry allows visitors to enjoy mountain tourism, cycling tourism, cross country skiing (Horní Blatná lies in the centre of the cycling routes and backbone routes), down hill skiing (ski sites in a reach of 2 km), swimming pool in Potůčky, visiting the museums (Horní Blatná, Jáchymov), Karlovy Vary (spa, medical springs, thermal and swimming pools, the museum of Becherovka….), Ostrov (an ancient town with a castle and park) and natural monuments (such as Vlčí jámy, Blatenský příkop…….).The building of the Forestry Horní Blatná is situated at the highest part of Krušné hory (the Ore Mountains) in the middle of the historical town of Horní Blatná. The whole site comprises two operational buildings, adjoining courtyard with garages. During the general refurbishing of such buildings in the year 1994, two inspection rooms were established, with a capacity of 4 beds (no.1) and 2 beds (no.2). Each room is fitted with a TV set, independent lavatory facility and kitchen with a refrigerator and cooker.
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- inspekční pokoj č.2
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